This spring attraction Bakung or better known as 'spider lilies' or scientific name of the family Amaryllidaceae Hymenocallis littoralis.
These trees are very common in tropical and subtropical regions, including in Malaysia and there are about 50 species of trees in the world.
Tree bulbs which centuries this herb has a unique flower because there is a circle in the middle (corona) that is rarely found in the same species.
Hymenocallis means "beautiful membrane" in Greek, referring to the circle in the middle of the flower stalk attached to flowers that produce pollen which is categorized as an amazing crop.
Spider lily or daffodil more suitable to decorate ornamental water garden or in pots. Although known as spider lily, this flower Amun more to plant daffodil against plant lilies.
The tree is simple in the land but requires a warm climate and soil slightly moist but not submerged in water. The leaves remain green even after the flowers fall.
Interestingly, simple plant life like room temperature, humid and hot and takes three months to blossom known as the period of rest.
Because these plants prefer moist conditions, it requires a lot of water if you pour. Also, do not let the soil dry around as this can cause death.Lily or spider lily often decorated water park, apart from being herbal treat wounds.
Lily or spider lily often decorated water park, apart from being herbal treat wounds.
Flowers are usually easy to spot if it is not fertile because the leaves will be dry as if burnt. However, it is more commonly known as hardy plants as lilies do not have a problem diseases or insect attacks.
However, snails, caterpillars and white mites often perch in trees, but do not damage crops. Another interesting feature of this tree because no other trees should be pruned as to encourage leaf growth. In short, the lilies do not require the maintenance of other plant sites should be regularly cleaned.
Hymenocallis can grow up to three feet (0.91 meters) and usually need to be fertilized once a month with a balanced fertilizer and the plant is usually chosen as the dividing border or planted crops lined up on either side of the entrance to the site.
In traditional medicine, the plant is said to be herbal treat wounds but it can not be eaten for allegedly poisoned.

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