PEOPLE who want to have beautiful site like in the showroom or nursery plants. However, many do not want to learn the proper techniques for planting trees and landscape care cause dead trees and landscaping dreams only last a month or two.Remove dead leaves including pruning work can beautifies and nourishes the tree.
There are a number of landscape care tips to be considered to ensure the site continues to remain beautiful and old.
The main thing in landscape care is watering trees should be done to ensure adequate amount of water absorbed plant tissue.
The question is, how do you know when and how much water is needed by every tree? We know that plants need water to survive, but too much water can affect tree growth.
Hence, determine the types of trees planted, as some plants require little water, while some require a lot of water. Eg bougainvillea tree spp. (Paper flowers) do not require a lot of water.Remove the tree shoots promotes leaf growth.
Siraman control should also be done because the soil and weather conditions also play an important role in determining the quantity of water required.
Clays usually require little water as it contains a lot of water while sandy soils require more water volume.
In hot, sunny weather, more water is needed. Watering is not necessary after heavy rains.
In general, the splash of water to be made twice a day. The best time for watering is in the morning, preferably before the ins and 11 am and between 3.30 pm and 7 pm for the second anointing. Avoid at all watering at midday.
Another important aspect to keep the site was trimming the tree. Pruning causes stress to the tree, so do not crop if there is no specific purpose or no idea of the effect.
The purpose of pruning is to fertility, tree shaping, security, promotion and production of flowers and fruit.
Proper pruning can beautify the tree and if wrongly cut cause the tree loses its beauty, shape or be damaged. Cutting dead or injured branches and remove water sprouts are also included in the work of pruning for plant fertility.The frequency of watering depends on crop needs.
Make pruning to maintain size and shape of the tree can beautify the appearance of the tree. Cut the trees interfere with utility lines or buildings is to keep the safety of users or occupants. Pruning can encourage the growth of new shoots and improving the quality and quantity of flowers.
To carry out pruning, special equipment such as saws or tree with sharp scissors should be used. Selection of the right tools is very important to determine the feed is made. During pruning, make sure the cut is smooth and clean, preferably not live stumps branches and avoid skin terserkah.
The next aspect of tempering. Important fertilizer for crop growth and many consider that more fertilizer is used, the tree will grow to more fertile.
Actually, however, the excessive use of fertilizers affect plant fertility and may cause tree death.
Lack of nutrients will cause stunted and infertile tree does not mean the tree will need more fertilizer. Thus, the right fertilizer is very important to avoid waste and ensure the growth and production of healthy flowers.
The fertilizer can be categorized into two types of organic and in-organic. Form of fertilizers available in the market are complete details fertilizer NPK nutrient; liquid fertilizer commonly sprayed onto the surface of the leaves; steel dust mixed in the soil mix or sprinkled on the soil and fertilizer released slowly.
There are various types and brands available in the market. In general, the fertilizer and the fertilizer is more critical of the type of fertilizer used.
INFO: Tips on site care
# Determine the type of tree and ground. Investigate how tree care based on soil types and suitability
# Siraman - Define the appropriate time for watering the ins and preferably before 11 am and between 3.30 pm and 7 pm for the second anointing. Avoid at all watering at midday.
# Pruning - Do not crop if there is no purpose or no idea of the effect. The purpose of pruning is to fertility, tree shaping, security, promotion and production of flowers and fruit.
# Application - Important for crop growth and many consider that more fertilizer is used, the tree will grow to more fertile.
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