In architecture, landscape areas means the science and art of renovating an area with natural mounts including cultivation or construction elements are organized in a comprehensive plan.
Landscape topography involved elements such as hills, valleys, streams and ponds or planting trees, green bushes, grass, flowers and so on.Landscape art is processing natural and artificial elements in harmony.
Landscape art is processing natural and artificial elements in harmony.
In short, the landscape project in a confined space such as the home page is an attempt to create and combine several elements of a special nature in smaller and manageable scale.
Landscaping is already the practice ever since. But exposure to the concepts or the art of landscape art from different cultures, making it a more attractive field.
Landscaping is designed to meet and support the overall residence will surely provide the desired satisfaction.
As was mentioned earlier, and residential landscape should support each other.
To achieve harmony, you should weigh and consider the options available for landscape really great and practical.Restructuring very important crop in the landscape art.
Restructuring very important crop in the landscape art.
The combination of soft and hard landscape landscape complete your site.
There are several aspects in the construction of such DIY landscape budget, skills, climate, environment, personal preferences and resources available.
If you really want to beautify your home with our own landscape creation, here are some tips that can help.
Ensure landscape concept that you want to apply in accordance with the overall concept of your residence. There are many concepts that are appropriate to the climate landscape, environment or culture. For example, the concept of Bali, Tropical, Malay, Oriental, Japanese and others.
Make sure your landscape concept is in line with home design and interior design of your home to trigger feelings, views and clusters harmoni.Jika you plant trees or flowers, make sure they are arranged according to their height layer. Tallest trees should be planted in the back, medium-high in the middle and shrubs in the front. It not only allows you to see all your plants, even if they produce flowers, you will be able to see it in an interesting arrangement.
Do not be afraid to have a landscape that contains water element. Part wet landscape often invite a focus on landscape design. It is not only attractive to the eye, but the sound of water splashing able to create a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere. Wet the most basic landscape in the form kolam.Bagaimanapun more attractive if it comes with a shower or water dives. Even simple enough. You can use materials that have been sold or own a building based on the creativity and ability that you have. All materials or the need to build a wet landscape can be obtained easily in hardware stores or aquarium stores.
Make sure your landscape design and build the lasting and easy to maintain. For example, choose trees that are not of type die fast or too spoiled for safekeeping. Likewise, make sure your hardscape construction durable to handle the load consumption and weather factors. If possible, let the landscape maintenance more means to control or mold growth and not having to repair all kinds of damage or replace dead trees.
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